A spiritual awakening gives you an opportunity to learn what matters most to you and what brings you joy. If you feel that happiness, joy, and meaning have been missing in your life, it may be time to learn how to get out of autopilot. Let go of the beliefs and views given to you by others and focus on following your heart.
The steps you can take to find yourself and your soul's calling during your awakening include:
1. Getting Out of Autopilot
The first step to finding yourself during awakening is to get out of autopilot. We do many tasks during the day without even thinking. We brush our teeth, clean the house, go to work, come home and go to bed as if we are on autopilot. We even go to a job we may not like and have no passion for because it provides us with a paycheck.
If you want to find yourself and your soul's calling during an awakening, you need to get out of autopilot. Stop doing things without thinking. Find what brings you passion and happiness.
You can start by focusing on tasks. A quote by Zen that helps you focus on a task at hand is, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." If you focus on each task at one time, you will have more peace at the moment versus your mind racing a million miles in all directions.
2. Finding Yourself Through Your Awakening
Work on finding yourself during your spiritual awakening. But how do you do that? It is an abstract concept that you may find hard to do. You may feel that you know yourself but discover that your views and beliefs belong to someone else. Whether it is a parent, a teacher, a boss, or a close friend, ask where these beliefs come from. But be prepared. Separating ourselves from others' beliefs can be an isolating experience.
When we find ourselves and our beliefs, we often find that it separates us from people we know and love. It causes us to start our journey to find our inner beliefs. Through your awakening, take some time to find yourself. Drop the preconceived notions you have developed about yourself. Figure out who you are as a person.
Here are some questions to think about to get you started:
· What do you think about the most?
· What are you passionate about?
· What do you wish to change in the world?
3. Finding Your Soul's Calling Through Your Awakening
Through the awakening, you should always ask yourself what your true purpose is. The answer may not come right away. Focus on this question and let your body, heart, and soul explore finding the answer. You will see the difference.
While you wait, take some time to explore and discover your passions.
· Enroll and start a new class
· Try a new skill
· Experiment with activities you have always considered but have never done
Doing something new helps you get more out of life and have some fun. And soon, you will find what speaks to you and brings you joy. As you tap into new activities and things you enjoy, it will help you find your soul's calling.
4. Following the Desire to Do Your Soul's Calling in the World
After completing the other steps, it is time to jump right in. Your goal in life is to do your soul's calling. Finding your soul's calling is the only way to cut out the stress and power struggle in your mind. Finding yourself gives you confidence so you can become one with the world. When you do your soul's calling, you can experience more happiness and satisfaction in your life.
During a spiritual awakening, you get a chance to find yourself and your soul's calling. Awakening helps you do something that you enjoy. Too often, we get stuck in autopilot because it is easier to keep doing what we’ve always done. When we run towards our soul's calling, we can live our best life and enjoy our time on this planet. It is a higher path and purpose for us to choose to follow.