As you work through a spiritual awakening, you will want to recognize the signs and symptoms that come with it. If you are not sure what you are going through, a spiritual awakening can be confusing. As you learn the signs you are going through a spiritual awakening, you can make sense of what is happening. You will be amazed at all the things you can experience after your spiritual awakening.
As part of waking up spiritually, you develop an awareness of “the witness” within. The witness is a part of you that is aware of your thoughts, feelings, and information around you. The witness is constantly watching and is the part of you that you want to develop in your spiritual awakening. It is the silence and the still voice within. It is also known as your higher self.
Some of the most common signs include:
1. Becoming Aware of the Ego
It is essential to learn more about self-awareness. It helps you recognize the ego, making it easier to let go of expectations so you can reach your spiritual awakening. The ego is a natural part of our psyche. It is a part we need to learn to witness and not always engage. When you can recognize the ego, you can separate yourself from it and witness it. Then you can choose whether to engage with the ego or not. As you learn to witness the ego more and engage with it less, you can move into a space of awareness and peace.
2. Becoming More Emotionally Aware
If you have negative emotions weighing you down, it can be challenging to have a spiritual awakening. As you go through your awakening, you will gain more awareness of your emotions and how to handle them. Once you reach your awakening, you will still have negative emotions. But when you experience them, you will learn how to objectively view them. See whether they make sense for the situation, and then determine if you want to change your response to situations.
3. Becoming Aware of Reality and Illusions
Many of the beliefs and views we hold are not our own. We adopt others' views because someone else told us about them or think we must agree because it is the only way to belong to society. These views are often ingrained in us and we don't even realize it. Your spiritual awakening will help you become more aware of reality and illusions in your beliefs. Being more aware helps you choose your reality and beliefs.
4. Becoming More Authentic
Your awakening can bring more confidence. If you struggle with confidence and self-image, a spiritual awakening helps turn things around. After the awakening, you can feel freer. Let go of your worries about being always right, being perfect, and worry about the future. You will no longer care what others think of you all the time. It is because the spiritual awakening will help you gain enough confidence in yourself that no one else's opinions will matter.
5. Becoming Aware of Your Desire for Purpose
Before a spiritual awakening, we may be restless. Especially if you do not know what you should do or understand your purpose. We may even spend more time doing what others tell us. Or what we think others want instead of what brings meaning to our lives.
After a spiritual awakening, we learn what our true purpose is. We are willing to find meaning in our lives and do what brings us passion and what we enjoy. And our lives are more fulfilling as we let go of others' expectations for us.
There are many signs of spiritual awakening. They may show up differently for everyone. Your journey may be different than everyone else's. But you will see some of the signs above as you go through your awakening journey.